Since becoming a family of 5 we have not be brave enough (or wealthy enough, or rested enough) to consider taking a vacation together. I daydream all the time of taking vacations with just Wes, or frankly, any adult who can sleep through the night, but the reality of being able to do this has just not presented itself yet. We are very fortunate that my in-laws have a long-standing tradition of going to the Outer Banks for a beach week most every summer, and we get to tag along (although I'm not sure after this past week that they will be inviting us back!).
I first joined the Charlton clan for a beach trip in the summer of 2000, back when we were just high school lovebirds dating. Now, 17 years later, the beach mostly looks the same, but the craziness inside the beach house has reached all new heights.
Our trip would have actually been perfect, had our children slept. Truly, everything was great aside from the sleep:
We were invited to the beach!
Our house was fabulous!
The weather was fabulous!
Isaac was not scared of the sand OR the sound of the ocean!
Isaac played happily in the baby pool!
Nora and Penn loved the ocean!
The kids got great moments with their grandparents and uncle Connor!
Wes and I got a DATE NIGHT (highlight, for sure!)
But, no one slept. Nora would not go to bed without one of us beside her, which meant either an adult was going to bed at 7:30PM or Nora was staying up way past her bedtime. By the end of the trip I was happy to volunteer for the 7:30PM bedtime. Penn woke up most nights between 5-8 times between 10PM and 5:30AM. Isaac would not nap. Nora was probably the grumpiest she has ever been in her entire life...and she can be pretty grumpy.
So, a few lessons were learned here: 1) our children are just too young and routine-driven to be pulled from their normal lives for a week, 2) we will travel with black-out curtains next time, and 3) it is okay to end your trip early; those who love you will understand.
Isaac adored the baby pool at the Sanderling Inn. He loved having it mostly to himself since many of our days were cloudy and overcast. We were so proud of him for making noises with his dinosaurs and trucks while he played, which is not something he has done a lot of in his life. This sound was music to our ears.
Me and my girls! Billie Holiday is 11 years old and took her first beach trip with us this year. She visited the beach one time and decided it wasn't for her. I guess when you're 77 and covered in fur, the beach may not be your favorite spot.
Nora Catherine loved the waves, especially when she was with her daddy!
Penn was also crazy about the beach! We could not keep him out of the waves -- it felt like every time I turned my back he made a mad dash for the surf. I wish now that I had brought a life jacket for him (I will next time), but I was in the moment comforted by the thought that his natural buoyancy would protect him.
Her face. Her joy. Oh, my word.
Not really sure what's going on here, but it seems Penn is applauding Nora for something incredible she either said or did.